Indian cricket star Suryakumar Yadav has taken to social media to congratulate his former Mumbai teammate and USA pacer Saurabh Netravalkar for his sensational performance against Pakistan in the T20 World Cup 2024. Yadav’s Instagram post, captioned “Tula Maanla Bhau” (Marathi for “You’re the Man”), has gone viral, garnering massive attention and praise for Netravalkar.
Saurabh Netravalkar’s heroics against Pakistan
Netravalkar, the Mumbai-born USA cricketer, played a pivotal role in his team’s thrilling victory over Pakistan in the ongoing T20 World Cup. His economical bowling spell of 2/18 restricted a star-studded Pakistani batting lineup. However, his most significant contribution came during the heart-stopping Super Over. Netravalkar, entrusted with the responsibility of defending a modest target of 18 runs, displayed nerves of st🌠eel. He held his composure under immense pressure, dismissing a key batsman and guiding the꧃ USA to a historic victory.
Also READ: Meet Saurabh Netravalkar, the India-born USA cricketer who shocked Pakistan atᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚ T20 World Cup 2024
Suryakumar Yadav’s recognition
Suryakumar Yadav, a renowned Indian batter known for his flamboyant style of play, took notice of Netravalkar’s heroics. Yadav, who has a massive social media following, took to Instagram to share a picture of Netravalkar celebrating his wicket during the Super Over. The caption, “Tula Maanla Bhau,” a phrase often used to express admiration and respect in Marathi, quickly reson♍ated with fans and cricket enthusiasts alike.
“Very happy for you and your family back home,” Yadav added in his post.
Yadav’s post has generated immense buzz on social media platforms, with thousands of likes, shares, and comments. Fans have praised Netravalkar’s performance and lauded Yadav for recognizing and celebrating the USA cricketer’s achievements. The post has also brought Netravalkar into the spotlight, further amplifying his recognition as a rising star in the cricket world.