Manoj Tiwary has come in support of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut amid the ongoing controversy of insider-outsider debate. The ‘out of favour’ India cricketer took to his Twitter account to write about ‘karma’ for the people who are slamming the established actress for her recent statements.
He also wrote that India wants to know about the truth of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sudden demise.
“The people who all are attacking #KanganaRanaut for her statements are exposing themselves of who they are from inside but remember when karma hits back, then it hits back at you with no menu, you get served what you deserve. So brace yourselves, it’s coming at you all. #IndiaWantSushantTruth,” Manoj tweeted.
He further wrote: “#Kangana Vs rest will go on forever but let’s hope the focus is not shifted to other subjects. Conveniently people woke up from sleep and started attacking #Kangana only after she came out openly. Why can’t they keep their mouth shut if they can’t support her? #IndiaWantsSushantTruth”.
Vs rest will go on forever but let's hope d focus is not shifted to other subjects. Conveniently people woke up from sleep and started attacking only after she came out openly. Y can't they keep their mouth shut if they cant support her
— MANOJ TIWARY (@tiwarymanoj)
A few days back, the Bengal batsman had shared a photo of Sushant with the caption, “‘In the end, we will remember not the words of our Enemy, but the SILENCE of our friends.’ - Martin Luther King Jr. So so relevant in his case. #sushantsinghrajputdeath #sushantinourheartsforever”.
”In the end, V will remember not the words of our Enemy, but the SILENCE of our friends.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
So so relevant in his case 👍— MANOJ TIWARY (@tiwarymanoj)
The 34-year-old𓆉 Tiwary has been expressing his views on SSR and also seeking justice.
Meanwhile, talking about Kangana, during her recent interaction with journalist Arnab Goswami, she took names of several people in relation to Sushant’s death.