Indian players have often been seen pulling each others leg on different social media platforms. In the most recent incident dashing all-rounder Yuvraj Singh, who uploaded a photo of his on Instagram flaunting bare body was mercilessly teased by Harbhajan Singh and Rohit Sharma.
Well, Yuvi has been quite active on social media and is known for trolling other cricketers, but this time, he was at the receiving end. The southpaw shared a photo of his torso on Instagram and captioned it: “Mood!”
While the pic🔜ture went viral on the internet, fans of Yuvraj showered aꦗ bagful of likes and also mixed reactions. Harbhajan and Rohit too found it an ideal situation to troll Yuvraj.
Harbhajan pulled Yuvi’s leg and compared him with Bollywood actor Salman Khan. He commented, “Sallu bhai,” on the post. While Rohit Sharma wrote, “yuvisofficial please define what you mean when you say ‘Mood’ because it’s not very clear.” He took a friendly dig by asking Yuvi’s clarification about the caption.